This public product-feed in XML is filtered in a Xpath style selector filter: //[contains($, ‘magni’)]  (the word “Magni” need to be in the NL name )

PONZO M/A - Zwart

stackable =
depth = 60cm
width = 50cm
height = 88cm
seat_height = 46cm
total_height = 88cm
designer = own design
color = Zwart

TOE 30 130X65 - Wit

stackable =
depth = 128cm
width = 64cm
height = 30cm
seat_height = 0cm
total_height = 30cm
designer = Romano Marcato
color = Wit

TOE 30 130X65 - Zwart

stackable =
depth = 128cm
width = 64cm
height = 30cm
seat_height = 0cm
total_height = 30cm
designer = Romano Marcato
color = Zwart

.03 - Zwart

stackable =
depth = 52cm
width = 43cm
height = 79cm
seat_height = 42cm
total_height = 79cm
designer = Maarten van Severen
color = Zwart

40/4 - Wit

stackable =
depth = 54cm
width = 49cm
height = 76cm
seat_height = 45cm
total_height = 76cm
designer = David Rowland
color = Wit

ABANO - Grijs

stackable =
depth = 0cm
width = 0cm
height = 35cm
seat_height = 0cm
total_height = 35cm
designer =
color = Grijs

ABANO - Zwart

stackable =
depth = 0cm
width = 0cm
height = 35cm
seat_height = 0cm
total_height = 35cm
designer =
color = Zwart


stackable =
depth = 0cm
width = 0cm
height = 32cm
seat_height = 0cm
total_height = 32cm
designer =
color = Metaal / transparant